23 documents
Commemorative Hearings Schedule Week Three
Commemorative Hearings Schedule Week Two
Commemorative Hearings Schedule Week One
Restriction Order for Commemorative Hearings
Restriction order includes restrictions on the disclosure or publication of evidence during the Commemorative Hearings.
Invitation to participate in Omagh Bombing Inquiry
An Open Letter from the Chairman of the Omagh Bombing Inquiry inviting those directly affected by the Omagh Bombing to participate in the Inquiry by completing a personal statement.
Template Personal Statement Witness Statement commemorative and personal statement hearings
Word document Template for Personal Statement Witness Statement. This should be read in conjunction with the Protocol for the commemorative and personal statement hearings.
Omagh Bombing Inquiry: Management Statement
This Management Statement has been drawn up by the Northern Ireland Office in consultation with the Omagh Bombing Inquiry. The purpose of the document is to ensure that clear roles and responsibilities are in place to ensure the Inquiry’s independence and facilitate the smooth running of the Inquiry’s work, in accordance with the provisions of the Inquiries Act 2005 and the Inquiry Rules 2006 (“the Rules”). This document relates specifically to sponsorship of the Inquiry by the Northern Ireland Office.
Omagh Bombing Inquiry: Preliminary Hearing Transcript 30 July 2024
Transcript from Omagh Bombing Preliminary Hearing 30 July 2024