Omagh Bombing Inquiry completes first two weeks of commemorative hearings
The Omagh Bombing Inquiry has now completed the second week of Commemorative and Personal Statement Hearings in the Strule Arts Centre in Omagh.
The Inquiry has heard commemorations of those who lost their lives that day across the first two weeks of hearings. These ‘pen portraits’ have commemorated individuals who died in the bombing and recognised the impact that this has had on their loved ones.
From week three, as well as continuing to hear commemorations of the deceased, the Inquiry will also hear further Personal Statements from those who were affected by the events of that day. This includes survivors and first responders from statutory organisations, recognising the wider impact of the atrocity on the Omagh community and beyond.
These hearings will conclude by 20 February 2025. The Inquiry will sit four days a week Monday to Thursday. The schedule for hearings is available on the Hearings page.
Transcripts of the hearings can be accessed through the Inquiry’s Hearing page. Each day of hearings will be broadcast on the Inquiry’s YouTube channel. Live updates on the hearings will also be posted on our Twitter/X channel.
More guidance on how to follow the hearings is available in the hearing attendance guide.
The Inquiry is working with WAVE Trauma Centre to provide support to anyone who requires it during the hearings. Counsellors will be available inside the Strule Arts Centre to provide any support required during the hearing. You can read more about support services on the Support page of our website, including further guidance and help with the steps you could take to manage the emotional impact of attending the commemorative hearings.